1.Installed on your hard drive
2.Installed Linux using virtual machine on winxp
3.Booted using Live CD/DVD
Extract Debian root files system to NSD-100
1.Connect NSD-100’s external USB HDD(XFS format) to PC (linux), download debian-etch-base.tar.bz2 to folder "public" and create folder "debian", Assume that debian-etch-base.tar.bz2 is in /media/disk-1/public
2.open terminal in linux and following command lines executed
desktop_pc:/media/disk-1/public # mkdir debian
desktop_pc:/media/disk-1/public # cd /debian
desktop_pc:/media/disk-1/public # tar -jxvpf /media/disk-1/public/debian-etch-base.tar.bz2
Telnet NSD-100
1. Re-connect external USB HDD to NSD-100 and using PC (windows) access folder "public" of external USB HDD via workgroup
2 Access NSD-100 using telnet, following command lines executed
[root@FA520]# /mnt/data/public/debian/usr/sbin/chroot /mnt/data/public/debian
Disconnect Telnet connection, Re-access NSD-100 using SSH
(login: root / password is your pervious setting.)
Now, you are finished install Debian into NSD-100.
What is the advantage to installing debian
if you have Knowledge on embedded Linux, you can run many applications on NSD-100.
I have a problem with this.
Everything works ok but only if I connect the NSD-100 directly to my PC. But if I try to connect using SSH whilst the NSD-100 is connected to my router, I get a connection refused error.
The NSD is enabled in the DMZ on the router, so we can rule that one out.
Oh how strange, it seems to have fixed itself !
Now all I need to do is work out how to download the packages within debian, as the NSD-100 seems to be having trouble connecting to the url.
Also a couple of other suggestions for the next firmware:
Newer/Better Torrent Client.
Option for forced encryption.
Option to block incoming legacy connections.
Before using SSH to NSD-100 you must using PC (windows) access folder “public” of external USB HDD via workgroup.
Hi Josh, I know your suggestions for benefit nsd-100,thanks.
Hi Josh, I know your suggestions for benefit nsd-100,thanks.
this modify is permanent?
or when restart is boot with original firmware?
This modify is not parmanent, nsd-100 still working original firmware, so you can enter to ogiginal web control screen.
Hi, is possible to install twonkymedia as media server in order to full working with a ps3 ?
If is possible do you can post a guide ?
Upnp as media server of NSD-100 is compatible to PS3, I'll post a guide on blog later.
how to:
1. turn on nsd-100
2. shutdown nsd-100
3. remove disk from nsd-100
after I installed debian?
are there any normal proceedure?
Plug and unplug power core for turn on/off nsd-100, holding eject USB key for 20~30 seconds and hear twice "bee", you could safely remove external HDD from NSD-100.
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