
Installing Debian in NSD-100

You need to have Linux on your desktop. This can be:
1.Installed on your hard drive
2.Installed Linux using virtual machine on winxp
3.Booted using Live CD/DVD

Extract Debian root files system to NSD-100
1.Connect NSD-100’s external USB HDD(XFS format) to PC (linux), download debian-etch-base.tar.bz2 to folder "public" and create folder "debian", Assume that debian-etch-base.tar.bz2 is in /media/disk-1/public
2.open terminal in linux and following command lines executed
desktop_pc:/media/disk-1/public # mkdir debian
desktop_pc:/media/disk-1/public # cd /debian
desktop_pc:/media/disk-1/public # tar -jxvpf /media/disk-1/public/debian-etch-base.tar.bz2

Telnet NSD-100
1. Re-connect external USB HDD to NSD-100 and using PC (windows) access folder "public" of external USB HDD via workgroup
2 Access NSD-100 using telnet, following command lines executed
[root@FA520]# /mnt/data/public/debian/usr/sbin/chroot /mnt/data/public/debian
[root@FA520]#exit[root@FA520]#echo "/mnt/data/public/debian/usr/sbin/chroot /mnt/data/public/debian /etc/init.d/ssh start " >> /mnt/data/public/bd

Disconnect Telnet connection, Re-access NSD-100 using SSH
(login: root / password is your pervious setting.)

Now, you are finished install Debian into NSD-100.


Anonymous said...

What is the advantage to installing debian

EMPREX said...

if you have Knowledge on embedded Linux, you can run many applications on NSD-100.

Unknown said...

I have a problem with this.

Everything works ok but only if I connect the NSD-100 directly to my PC. But if I try to connect using SSH whilst the NSD-100 is connected to my router, I get a connection refused error.

The NSD is enabled in the DMZ on the router, so we can rule that one out.

Unknown said...

Oh how strange, it seems to have fixed itself !

Now all I need to do is work out how to download the packages within debian, as the NSD-100 seems to be having trouble connecting to the url.

Also a couple of other suggestions for the next firmware:

Newer/Better Torrent Client.
Option for forced encryption.
Option to block incoming legacy connections.

EMPREX said...

Before using SSH to NSD-100 you must using PC (windows) access folder “public” of external USB HDD via workgroup.

EMPREX said...

Hi Josh, I know your suggestions for benefit nsd-100,thanks.

EMPREX said...

Hi Josh, I know your suggestions for benefit nsd-100,thanks.

Anonymous said...

this modify is permanent?
or when restart is boot with original firmware?

EMPREX said...

This modify is not parmanent, nsd-100 still working original firmware, so you can enter to ogiginal web control screen.

Anonymous said...

Hi, is possible to install twonkymedia as media server in order to full working with a ps3 ?
If is possible do you can post a guide ?

EMPREX said...

Upnp as media server of NSD-100 is compatible to PS3, I'll post a guide on blog later.

theringe said...

how to:
1. turn on nsd-100
2. shutdown nsd-100
3. remove disk from nsd-100
after I installed debian?
are there any normal proceedure?

EMPREX said...

Plug and unplug power core for turn on/off nsd-100, holding eject USB key for 20~30 seconds and hear twice "bee", you could safely remove external HDD from NSD-100.